Two weeks on...

We had a great group of hard working people from Holland and Belgium with us for about 10 days and got heaps done (as you can see!) We have still got a long way to go before the roof is finished but the end is in sight and doesn't seem quite so impossible now. So thank you so much to Theo, Berthus, Sylvia, Etienne, Ferdi, Tessel, Fief, Michele, Fred, Tanja, André, Pierre, Raghnild and Noach!! (I hope I got the spellings right...)

The water tanks never did arrive and we had to cancel the order to get them to pay attention to us. After some discussion they are now arriving on Saturday. We were going to go for concrete after all the bother but have finally decided to stick to sky blue plastic.

And I finally got the decking onto one whole U. Our bedroom now has a ceiling! Just three more to go...

More soon